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Section - A Maths

1. The length of a large ship is 0.13km how long is this is metres?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Sixteen thousand and twenty-six people attended a sports stadium. What is this in words.

Correct! Wrong!

3. The lowest night time temperature was 26°C colder than the highest daytime temperature of 18°C. What was the coldest night time temperature?

Correct! Wrong!

4. Malieha has two hundred and one beads. She gives away 66. How many does she have left?

Correct! Wrong!

5. How many 5p coins does Myah need to make £3.35?

Correct! Wrong!

Section B - Non Verbal Reasoning

6. Complete the Hexagonal Grid

Correct! Wrong!

7. Complete the Hexagonal Grid

Correct! Wrong!

8. Complete the Hexagonal Grid

Correct! Wrong!

Section C - Verbal Reasoning

9. Complete the word so that it means the same, or nearly the same, as the word
s _ a r _

Correct! Wrong!

10. Complete the word so that it means the same, or nearly the same, as the word
h _ _ t _

Correct! Wrong!

11. Complete the word so that it means the same, or nearly the same, as the word
s _ e _ d _ r

Correct! Wrong!

12. Complete the word so that it means the same, or nearly the same, as the word
s _ _ _ p y

Correct! Wrong!

13. Complete the word so that it means the same, or nearly the same, as the word
d e _ a _ e d

Correct! Wrong!

14. Complete the word on the right so that it means the opposite, or nearly the opposite, of the word on the left. Example: Big: more, large, little, less (Answer: little)

Sunrise: dark, dawn, sunset, night

Correct! Wrong!

15. Complete the word on the right so that it means the opposite, or nearly the opposite, of the word on the left.
Heavy: light, huge, dense, tiny

Correct! Wrong!

16. Complete the word on the right so that it means the opposite, or nearly the opposite, of the word on the left.
boy : child, male, girl, old

Correct! Wrong!

17. Complete the word on the right so that it means the opposite, or nearly the opposite, of the word on the left.
introduction: secret, conclusion, origin, late

Correct! Wrong!

18. Complete the word on the right so that it means the opposite, or nearly the opposite, of the word on the left.
summer: Month, cold, harvest, winter

Correct! Wrong!

Year 5 – 11+ Quiz
Have another go. If plan A didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters!

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Good effort! Keep going you are getting there!

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Amazing! "Success is sweet, but the secret is sweat!"

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