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1. Oskar measures the height in cm of a plant against the ruler. He marks the height with an X. How tall is the plant?

Correct! Wrong!

2. Alison has a mirror which is shaped like a regular hexagon. What is the size of angle y?

Correct! Wrong!

3. Martin thinks of a number which can be expressed as 6 x 2 + 12. Which of the following expressions gives the same answer?

Correct! Wrong!

4. A bag of fruit cost 99p. How much will 9 bags of fruit cost?

Correct! Wrong!

5. Sheva has a dentist appointment at ten to five in the afternoon. What is the time of her appointment on the 24-hour clock?

Correct! Wrong!

Section B - Non Verbal Reasoning

6. Reflect the figure

Correct! Wrong!

7. Reflect the figure

Correct! Wrong!

8. Reflect the figure

Correct! Wrong!

9. Reflect the figure

Correct! Wrong!

Section C - Verbal Reasoning

10. Mark the word outside the brackets that has a similar meaning to the words in both sets of brackets.
(find, discover) (Stain, Blemish)
freckle, smudge, spot, see
(Answer: spot)

(Point, Direct) (Purpose, Intention) goal, aim, motive, guide

Correct! Wrong!

11. Mark the word outside the brackets that has a similar meaning to the words in both sets of brackets
(Trench, drain) (abandon, dump) drop, gutter, ditch, leave

Correct! Wrong!

12. Mark the word outside the brackets that has a similar meaning to the words in both sets of brackets
(talent, ability) (present, offering) gift, bonus, skill, flair

Correct! Wrong!

13. Mark the word outside the brackets that has a similar meaning to the words in both sets of brackets
(path, route) (hunt, pursue) way, chase, passage, track

Correct! Wrong!

14. Mark the word outside the brackets that has a similar meaning to the words in both sets of brackets
(Law, code) (lead, reign) rule, govern, order, instruct

Correct! Wrong!

Year 6 – 11+ Quiz
Have another go. If plan A didn't work, the alphabet has 25 more letters!

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Good effort! Keep going you are getting there!

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Amazing! "Success is sweet, but the secret is sweat!"

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